Quantitative Sozialforschung



Prof. Dr. Katrin Auspurg

Prof. Dr. Katrin Auspurg

Chair of Quantitative Empirical Research
Curriculum Vitae (PDF, 288 KByte)

Projektleitung Projekt "GLEN"


Quantitative Methoden (Surveys, Feld- und Surveyexperimente)
Soziale Ungleichheiten (Arbeitsmarktforschung, Geschlechterungleichheiten, Diskriminierung)
Analytische Soziologie (Soziale Mechanismen, Entscheidungstheorien)
Wissenschaftssoziologie (z.B. Publication bias)


Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
Institut für Soziologie
Konradstr. 6
80801 München

Raum: 305
Telefon: +49 (0) 89 2180-5938

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Short Bio

Katrin Auspurg holds a full professorship in sociology (specializing in quantitative empirical research) at the Department of Sociology at the LMU Munich, Germany, since 2015. She earned a Diploma in Sociology from the LMU Munich (2006), and a Ph.D. in Sociology from the University of Konstanz (2010). Previously, she was a professor at the Goethe-University Frankfurt. Prof. Auspurg investigates how inequalities in the labor market and the family intersect and reinforce each other. In addition, her current projects advance innovative experimental or survey methods that allow the testing of mechanisms that cause social inequalities or subtle forms of discrimination. Further research interests include analytical sociology, the replicability of social science research, environmental sociology, and housing market inequalities.

Recent Publications

  • Tekles, Alexander/Auspurg, Katrin/Bornmann, Lutz (2022): Same-gender citations do not indicate a substantial gender homophily bias. PLOS ONE 17 (9).
  • Schmitt, Laila/Auspurg, Katrin (2022): A Stall Only on the Surface? Working Hours and the Persistence of the Gender Wage Gap in Western Germany 1985-2014. European Sociological Review.
  • Auspurg, Katrin/Brüderl, Josef (2022): How to Increase Reproducibility and Credibility of Sociological Research. Handbook of Sociological Science. Contributions to Rigorous Sociology.
  • Auspurg, Katrin/Brüderl, Josef (2021): Has the Credibility of the Social Sciences Been Credibly Destroyed? Reanalyzing the “Many Analysts, One Data Set” Project. Socius: Sociological Research for a Dynamic World. (doi:10.1177/23780231211024421).
  • Auspurg, Katrin/Thiel, Fabian/Schneck, Andreas (2020): Different Samples, Different Results? How Sampling Techniques Affect the Results of Field Experiments on Ethnic Discrimination. Research in Social Stratification and Mobility 65, online first.
  • Sauer, Carsten/Auspurg, Katrin/Hinz, Thomas (2020): Designing Multi-Factorial Survey Experiments: Effects of Presentation Style (Text or Table), Answering Scales, and Vignette Order. Methods, Data, Analyses 14(2): 195-214.
  • Auspurg Katrin/Hinz, Thomas/Walzenbach, Sandra (2019): Are Factorial Survey Experiments Prone to Survey Mode Effects?. In: Lavrakas, Paul, Traugott, Michael W./Kennedy, Courtney/Holbrook, Allyson L./de Leeuw, Edith D./West, Brady T. (Eds): Experimental Methods in Survey Research. Hoboken: Wileys, 371–392.
  • Auspurg, Katrin/Brüderl, Josef/Wöhler, Thomas (2019): Does Immigration Reduce the Support for Welfare Spending? A Cautionary Tale on Spatial Panel Data Analysis. American Sociological Review 84(4), 754-763.
  • Auspurg Katrin/Schneck, Andreas/Hinz, Thomas (2018): Closed Doors Everywhere? A Meta-Analyses of Field Experiments on Ethnic Discrimination in Rental Housing Markets. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 45(1), 95-114.
  • Diehl, Claudia/Hinz, Thomas/Auspurg, Katrin (2018): Who Is Afraid of Skilled Migrants From Europe? Exploring Support for Immigration Control in Switzerland. Swiss Journal of Sociology 44(1): 59-88.
  • Auspurg, Katrin (2018): Konfundierte Ergebnisse durch ein zu stark beschränktes Design? Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie 70(1), 87-92.
  • Auspurg, Katrin/Hinz, Thomas/Sauer, Carsten (2017): Why Should Women Get Less? Evidence on the Gender Pay Gap from Multifactorial Survey Experiments. American Sociological Review 82, 179–210.
  • Auspurg, Katrin/Hinz, Thomas/Schneck, Andreas (2017): Berufungsverfahren als Turniere: Berufungschancen von Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftlern. Zeitschrift für Soziologie 46: 283-302.
  • Auspurg, Katrin/Iacovou, Maria/Nicoletti, Cheti (2017): Housework share between partners: Experimental evidence on gender-specific preferences. Social Science Research 66: 118-139.
  • Auspurg, Katrin/Hinz, Thomas/Schmid, Laura (2017): Contexts and conditions of ethnic discrimination: Evidence from a field experiment in a German housing market. Journal of Housing Economics 35, 26-36.